Lewis & Harris Auction Mart

Serving the crofters of Lewis & Harris

Hire the Auction Mart

As well as holding regular livestock sales, organised by the Auction Mart, the facility is also available for hire to groups and event organisers.


The Mart is able to offer the following facilities:


- large parking area/show space

- large outdoor area of stock pens

- indoor stock pens

- show ring with tiered seating

- toilets

- café/catering area

- trailer washing area


The Auction Mart, with its good location and facilities, is the ideal venue for a wide range of events. Please contact us to enquire about availability and hire costs.

Lewis and Harris Auction Mart - Steinish, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis - Tel: 07899 795014

© 2009-2018 Lewis and Harris Auction Mart (2005) LTD - A Trading Subsidiary of the Long Island Rural Trust